MT Shasta Access Bars, Foundation & TTTE June 19-25
7 years ago I attended Foundation class in Santa Cruz, CA and it totally changed my life. Opened me up to so much more and seeing the places where I was stopping me from creating bigger and enjoying more and really receiving the gift of my body and my life.
Consider this your personal invitation to step beyond this reality into a realm of magic, creation and living this life like YOU mean it! Who’s ready to rock? to kick limitations with your health, your mind and your body to the curb… Wanna join Karla Lightfoot and I for 4 days of clearing out the old crazy and inviting in what you have only dared to dream until now? I wonder what magic awaits???
Click here for info & registration: Mt Shasta Access Bars June 19th
Click here for more info: Mt Shasta Foundation June 19-22
Click here for more info: Mt Shasta Talk to the Entities June 23-25
AND We have Amy Shine here in MT Shasta offering Talk to the Entities June 23-25th how did we get so lucky? Join us for the full week or for either class!
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