Stress Management & Burnout Prevention Classes with Brooke

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Our mental health is a big deal. Especially right now with so much shifting and changing in our world everyday. Old systems are crumbling and dying. New possibilities are rising from the ashes. In these unique times I love empowering people with tools and techniques for:


💛 anxiety awareness 💛 stress management 💛 trauma release  💛 burn out prevention


I have been exploring health and wellness with my clients for over two decades now. I’m an Ayurvedic Practitioner, Birth & Postpartum Doula, Yoga instructor, Herbalist and Energy worker. I offer sessions, classes and retreats in Northern California and around the globe. My focus is sharing tools to create greater ease in our bodies and our mental health is by far the biggest key for creating a thriving body and life. I love inviting people to tap into their intuition and showing them ways to begin hearing what their body is telling them.   

Giving ourselves permission not to be perfect and letting go of the judgments that we have of our bodies are amazing ways to create healing and this shows our children a healthy way to thrive in this world. Here are a few classes and trainings that I LOVE sharing with people to empower them with tools for resetting their nervous system, releasing tensions and stress from their tissues and finding the joy in their life.



Stress Management Classes with Brooke


Stress Relief Class 2 hrs $175

Experience somatic movement, breath awareness, and hands on tools you can use to instantly relieve stress in your world and release trauma from your body. You will gain techniques that you can start to implement in your life right away to shift the patterns of stress and dis-ease in your world.


 Reset & Rejuvenate 4 hrs  $300

We will explore valuable tools for burnout prevention, releasing mental chatter, and gaining clarity around your targets for connecting with your body and creating more ease with your health and wellness. You will walk away with tools you can use in your daily life and ways to support your loved ones to deal with stress and anxiety.



Access Bars Training 7hrs $440

Access Bars is an amazing hands on body process that has been scientifically documented to relieve stress, anxiety and depression. It is easy to learn and focuses on 32 point located on your head, that when gently held stimulate relaxation and release stress and anxiety from your body and mind. Access Bars has changed my life and of all the amazing different techniques I have studied, it remains my favorite way to create mental clarity and more space in my world. This space allows me to be in choice rather than in a constant state of reaction to life.

I use access bars not only for myself and my clients, I also love using it with my kids at bedtime, to soothe their nerves, decrease crankiness and create more ease in their worlds.  In this one day training you will receive a manual and a cheat sheet. I will lead you through offering 2 sessions and receiving 2 sessions. You will become a certified Access Bars Practitioner so you can offer Bars to your clients, friends and loved ones. This class is a powerful way to reset your nervous system and start incorporating self-care into your daily life.



Energetic Facelift 8 hrs $560 

In this 1-day class you will experience and learn an energetic-treatment that soothes your mind and relaxes your body. The Access Energetic Facelift is a wonderful way to rejuvenate your face and reverse the signs of aging throughout your entire body.  This gentle soothing touch applied to your face and neck works with your body’s cells to restore, enliven and rejuvenate.

This body process is such a unique, nurturing experience for releasing stress and judgment. This is a chance to begin a fresh relationship with your sweet body and dissipate everything you have judged about your face and body.  Are you ready for a full day of nurturing and rejuvenation? You will be gently guided how to offer this amazing hands on body process. During the morning of this one day training you will receive one and offer one energetic facelift session. Then after an hour lunch break you will experience one more round of receiving and offering the facelift process. 


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